



  • Martu aspires to apply to law programs 和 master's programs in public policy.

    Future public policy leader

    Martu Kollie’24 traversed the country to the University of Washington for its Junior Summer Institute, learning about public policy through seven-week courses in economics, quantitative methods, policy analysis, 和 contemporary global issues. “There are lots of nuances playing into policy making,” she says.


  • 更改学生邮件列表

    与所有学生交流的邮件列表已从StuBoard移至Google Groups. 发送到学生邮件列表的过程大致相同, 学生现在可以直接提交. 也进行了更改 广播邮件策略 这适用于所有广播邮件邮件列表.

  • 学生毕业典礼演讲嘉宾

    伯洛伊特学院的高级管理人员正在寻找一名学生 毕业典礼 能激励和代表毕业班的演讲者. 如果你认识一个有引人入胜的故事的高年级同学, 独特的经历, 或者是激励同伴的热情, 请提名他们, 或self-nominate, by 4月1日. 联系 Lorriane Pedroza (pedrozal@hk-hy.net) or 蒂芙尼沃伦 (warrenta@hk-hy.net).


  • 申请暑期住宿助理

    住宿生活正在寻找住宿助理(RAs)来帮助完成暑期项目. 包括办公室工作、社区规划和其他职责. 补偿是Blaisdell/Bushnell的一个免费房间, 还有在我们办公室工作的机会. 申请成为夏季RA.

  • 提名伯洛伊特领导奖

    学生们被邀请去表彰他们的同龄人和校园社区的其他成员的领导能力. 提交你的提名 by 4月1日. 这十个奖项的每一个提名都是抽奖的机会. 颁奖典礼将于4月30日举行.


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如果你有兴趣回到校园,寻找 即将举行的校友活动 or 志愿者机会.

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    Dr. Woodard, or 'The Chief,' as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrit...
    “Dr. Woodard, or ‘The Chief,’ as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrity, a deep knowledge of his subject, 和 a rare combination of caring for students while maintaining respect 和 admiration.” – Bruce Bartleson’56
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    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades 和 events, students would make house decorations we...
    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades 和 events, students would make house decorations were commonly placed in front of fraternities 和 sororities 和 vied to win contests.
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    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan 和 its required Field Term that sent students off campus 和 around the world. This Beloit g...
    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan 和 its required Field Term that sent students off campus 和 around the world. This Beloit group is at the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru, circa 1970s.
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    The Basic Elmos' experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro'76, with Phil Eric...
    The Basic Elmos’ experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro’76, with Phil Erickson’76 和 Andy Persily’76 at right.

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